Compliance engineered for the Cloud
Salesforce maintains a comprehensive set of compliance certifications and attestations to validate our #1 value of Trust.

SOC2 HITRUST Report - Slack

SOC 2 Slack

A Type 2 SOC 2 + HITRUST CSF independent service auditor’s report on controls relevant to security, availability, and confidentiality and additional subject matter relevant to the HIPAA security rule and HITECH breach notification requirements.
Latest version
Covers period 2022-11-01 through 2023-10-31
Last updated on 2024-03-25
Previous version
Covers period 2021-10-01 through 2022-10-31
Last updated on 2023-02-06
Previous version
Covers period 2020-10-01 through 2021-09-30
Last updated on 2021-12-07
Previous version
Covers period 2019-10-01 through 2020-09-30
Last updated on 2021-12-07