Salesforce では包括的なコンプライアンス認定と保証を維持することで、最大の価値とする信頼を証明しています
TX-RAMP - Salesforce Service Cloud
The Texas Risk and Authorization Management Program(TX-RAMP) is a Texas State program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. TX-RAMP has helped to accelerate the adoption of secure cloud solutions through the reuse of assessments and authorizations across Texas state agencies. Cloud Service Providers (CSP) that support Texas State customers are responsible for complying with the requirements established by the TX-RAMP program.
Salesforce Service Cloud currently has a Provisional ATO through the TX-RAMP Program, and recommends customers make a risk-based decision on the use of Service Cloud.
2023-11-17 より有効
最終更新日 2023-11-17