Salesforce では包括的なコンプライアンス認定と保証を維持することで、最大の価値とする信頼を証明しています

Salesforce Services IRAP Customer Configuration Guide [PROTECTED]

IRAP Salesforce Services and Additional Services

The Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) is an Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) initiative to provide high-quality information and communications technology (ICT) services to government in support of Australia's security. IRAP provides the framework to endorse individuals from the private and public sectors to provide cyber security assessment services to Australian governments. Endorsed IRAP Assessors can provide an independent assessment of ICT security, suggest mitigations and highlight residual risks. IRAP Assessors may provide assessment up to the TOP SECRET level for cloud services and others. Additional information can be found at This document is aimed to assist customers with recommendations designed to enhance the security of their Salesforce Services implementation. These process and configuration recommendations build upon the default security settings of the services and may help customers meet various customer or industry specific requirements
対象期間 2022-06-012023-06-01
最終更新日 2022-06-01