Salesforce では包括的なコンプライアンス認定と保証を維持することで、最大の価値とする信頼を証明しています

HITRUST Certificate - Salesforce Services

HITRUST Salesforce Services and Additional Services

HITRUST Alliance is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to champion programs that safeguard sensitive information and manage information risk for organizations across all industries and throughout the third-party supply chain. Salesforce is enrolled in the HITRUST CSF inheritance program. For more information on the in-scope services and inheritable controls, please download Salesforce’s HITRUST Shared Responsibility Matrix ( Customers should refer to the HITRUST User Guide ( for guidance on initiating an inheritance request.
対象期間 2023-12-152025-12-15
最終更新日 2024-04-10
対象期間 2022-12-202023-12-16
最終更新日 2022-12-22
対象期間 2021-12-172023-12-16
最終更新日 2022-02-28